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Mae ein melin yn 300 mlwydd oed ac yn eistedd wrth ymyl yr Afon Aled. Tu nol i’r felin saif coetir bychan ac mae’n lle gwirioneddol hudolus a heddychol. Bydd dirwnod dysgu sgil crefft neu chelf yma yn profiad arbennig o dda.

Cewch diwrnod o ymlacio ac ysbrydoledig, a byddwch a cymryd atgofion hyfryd a’ch waith unigryw i ffwrdd gyda chi. Fwynhewch diwrnod o ddysgu a bod yn greadigol, tra bo ni’n creu cinio blasus and cacennau i difetha chi.


Mae’r gweithdai yn cyfle gwych i ddechreuwyr neu lefelau canolradd. Os oes gennych ddidordeb ond yn methu a gweld dyddiad sy’n gweithio i chi, mae croeso i chi gysylltu a ni. Y mwyaf yn bob sesiwn fydd 10.

Gweithdai diwrnod llawn yn dechrau o £95. Mae’r gost yn cynnwys *lluniaeth, cinio, diodydd, cacennau a bisgedi

Gweithdai hanner dydd yn dechrau o £75. Mae’r gost yn cynnwys *lluniaeth, cacennau, bisgedi a diodydd

*efallai y bydd rhai gweithdai’n codi tal ychwanegol o £10 am ddeunyddiau – i’w cadarnhau wrth archebu

Mwy o wybodaeth.

Course suitability and accessibility
  • All our courses are aimed at adults, aged 16 +.

  • You do not need any prior experience. Courses which require previous experience will be clearly stated on the events page.

  • Please contact us if you have any concerns regarding your mobility or physical needs prior to your booking. Most of our courses involve some physical dexterity or activity requiring some level of strength and fitness.

  • Whilst we aim to make courses accessible, we live in a rural area and the mill is accessed via a steep driveway, and a short walk through the garden, which has steps and sloping ground. The toilet facilities are also in the main house and you will be required to be able to negotiate steps to reach them.

Booking a course
  • To book a space, please complete our online booking form. You will receive confirmation via email of your booking.

  • Payments in full are required at time of booking.

  • Any additional material costs will be identified on the event booking page.

Gift Vouchers
  • You may pay in part or for the whole of your course using gift vouchers or a discount code.


What to wear
  • Within your follow up email there will be suggestions of what would be considered appropriate clothing. Any specialist safety wear such as goggles, ear defenders, dust masks, aprons or gloves will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own.

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